Jennifer Wallace and Douglas White, Carnegie UK Trust Cassie Houlden and James Coggs, Ekosgen Consultants
Year: 2012

Local Environmental Problems And Wellbeing - The Research

  This desk based research report informs our Policy Summary: ‘Pride in Place: Tackling Environmental Incivilities, Local Environmental Problems and Wellbeing’. This paper sets out the current literature on the topic of incivilities. The paper: • uses attitudinal survey data to explore national trends in the prevalence of incivility; • explores links between incivility and wellbeing; • identifies policy initiatives that have been implemented throughout the past 15 years across the UK; and • considers the current policy context in which environmental incivilities are being tackled, and the new approaches which are being developed to address them. The Carnegie UK Trust is calling which upon national environmental charities, government and funders to consider how they can support and empower more communities to take on environmental incivilities in their own area.

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