Jennifer Wallace, Hannah Ormston, Mhairi McFarlane, Ben Thurman, Rachel Heydecker and Mark Diffley
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-1-912908-68-4

Gross Domestic Wellbeing (GDWe)™ offers a holistic alternative to GDP as a measure of social progress. Using the framework and data in the Office for National Statistics Measures of National Wellbeing Dashboard, Carnegie UK have developed a tool to provide a single figure for GDWe in England. In this short report, we release the updated GDWe score for 2019/20. The score demonstrates how national wellbeing in England was performing up to March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began. This release builds on the findings of our full report, published in December 2020. We provide a brief overview of the key changes since then across the 10 ONS wellbeing domains and make predictions for the next GDWe score release, highlighting why urgent action is needed to focus decision-making on wellbeing. We also explain how the delay in official wellbeing data has hindered progress.

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