Blake Stevenson
Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-1-909447-36-3

Putting The Place Standard To The Test

  The Scottish Government, Architecture and Design Scotland and NHS Health Scotland have been working in partnership to develop the new Place Standard tool to support the delivery of high quality public places, which can help to reduce health inequalities. The tool will support communities and the public and private sectors to work together to deliver high quality, sustainable places. To help ensure that the tool is accessible to community groups and meets their needs, the Trust piloted the tool with three of the winners of our Carnegie Prize for Design and Wellbeing during the tool’s testing phase.
This case study outlines feedback from a community group at Belville Community Garden on the content, usability and potential of the tool for the development of public space at the garden.
Case studies of the experiences of communities groups using the Place Standard tool in public spaces in Auchencairn and Kirkcaldy are also available.

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